What is Hacking And How to Hack Simpley 2017-2018
Hacking is not a simple Work. you Have to be very intelligent and Computer Network Expert. If You have some time than Read This Article and Wait for my Next and Explained Article about hacking On My Website.
I will make Hacking Easy For You.
Than You will say Hacking is kIds Play: Ask Me in Comments:
Question has been asked of us many times, but unfortunately, we do not condone hacking and will not provide training or help on how to hack. Hacking is illegal, therefore, Computer Hope cannot help you with learning how to hack and suggest that you reconsider. We are sorry that we cannot help you if you truly decide you want to learn how to hack.
I will make Hacking Easy For You.
Than You will say Hacking is kIds Play: Ask Me in Comments:
Question has been asked of us many times, but unfortunately, we do not condone hacking and will not provide training or help on how to hack. Hacking is illegal, therefore, Computer Hope cannot help you with learning how to hack and suggest that you reconsider. We are sorry that we cannot help you if you truly decide you want to learn how to hack.
Hacking a computer to view or steal protected information is not going
to resolve anything and is only going to cause further issues, such as
being fined or sent to prison. If you choose to learn about hacking, an
option is to take a training course on ethical hacking, for which you
may be able to get a job with a company.
If you are interested in hacking and
in the field of computer security, instead of trying to do anything
illegal, there are many good alternatives to consider. We suggest
learning an alternative operating system such as Linux, setting up computer networks, reading security news, and learning a programming language.
If you've done all of this and still want to hack setup a network and
try hacking your network without the fear of getting in trouble. Hacking
your network can help teach you to hack and can also help teach you how
to defend from hackers, which is a valuable skill needed by businesses.
Best Hacking Book Fro Beginners:
Doing any of the above recommendations gives you a much better
understanding of computers and security than using someone else's script
to break into a computer ever would.
Below are additional questions and answers that relate to this same subject.
If I hack a large company, wouldn't I become famous?
Although hackers like Kevin Mitnick and John Draper (aka Cap'n Crunch)
have gained notoriety from hacking in the past, most hackers are never
famous. If a hacker does become famous or mentioned in the press, it is
likely because they are in court, going to prison, or because they're on
the run from the law. If you are a malicious hacker, it is more likely
you would want to remain anonymous then becoming famous.
I lost my password and need to hack my e-mail, router, or computer.
Apart from the solutions listed on Computer Hope for retrieving or
bypassing BIOS passwords, operating system passwords, and some
application passwords, we do not help anyone break passwords.
Note: Online
e-mail services such as Microsoft Hotmail, Gmail, and Yahoo have
password recovery systems already setup. Often, passwords can be reset
or sent to you by answering a secret question or providing the e-mail
address used to register the service. If you are unable to recover your
password using the services provided by the company, contact the company
with additional suggestions, or consider abandoning the e-mail address.
I need to hack someone because they hacked or scammed me.
If someone is causing you grief or causing you or your computer
intentional harm, you should report the abuse to the company handling
the person's Internet connection or e-mail service. Attempting to hack
the person or cause them grief is likely only going to escalate your
I need to hack my spouse's computer to see if they are cheating.
Relationships are built on trust and communication. If you believe your
spouse or partner is cheating on you, confront him or her regarding the
issue. Attempting to hack or spy on your partner is only going to lose
their trust and cause a broken relationship, especially if they were not
Finally, even though you may be spying or hacking a spouse, it is still
considered illegal, and if caught by your spouse or someone else, you
could be convicted of a crime.
I want to learn to hack so I can know more about the computer.
You do not need to learn to be a hacker to learn more about the
computer. If you want to learn more about computers, networks, and
security, there are plenty of resources online and in books that can
teach you everything you would ever want to know.
I need to hack a computer to gain access to something I cannot access.
If you are blocked from particular sites or services on the Internet, it
is probably for a good reason. Attempting to break or bypass those
protective measures is only going to cause you additional trouble when
caught. If you believe you are blocked or banned for the wrong reasons,
contact the company or administrator in charge and plead your case.
Computer Hope does not help bypass security measures or any blocked
Can't I make money from hacking?
Some hackers have been able to scam people and companies out of money.
However, when caught (and you'll eventually get caught), you'll end up
owing more than you'll ever make. You'd be a lot more successful and
earn a lot more money in learning a computer skill such as computer
programming, web development, or becoming a white hat than you would
with hacking.
Lost or forgotten Windows password
Disclaimer: Gaining
access to an account or computer that is not yours without permission
by using any of the steps below is against the law.
There are various options and utilities that can make it possible to
gain access to a computer with a lost password. Below is a listing of
the most popular options and utilities available to try.
Log into an alternate account
Often many users will leave the administrator account alone or have
other accounts with administrator rights. If you are not logging into
the computer using the administrator account or have other accounts that
you can utilize, follow the steps below to reset your other account's
- Reboot the computer into Safe Mode.
- When logging into Safe Mode, you should be prompted with an option of which account you want to use. Select the Administrator account. If prompted for a password, try pressing Enter on the keyboard for no password. If this does not work, try other passwords you may have used. If you are unable to log into the Administrator account, skip to the next suggestion.
- Once you have logged into the Administrator account, open the Control Panel and User Accounts.
- In User Accounts, select the account you want to change, click Change Password, and then enter the new password or click remove the password to remove the password from the account.
Windows users and Creating a password reset disk
Note: Utilizing this option requires you to complete part of the process before having forgotten your password.
If you have Windows XP, use the "Prevent a forgotten password" option to create a password reset diskette. Use the diskeIf you have Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8, in the User Accounts utility (accessible in the Control Panel), select the Create a password reset disk option to create a password reset disk. You can then use the disk created to recover the forgotten password.
In you have Windows 10, type Password Reset in the search box, then select the Create a password reset disk option in the search results. Follow the on screen steps to create the password reset disk.
Tip: You
need to connect a USB flash drive to your computer before accessing the
"Create a password reset disk" utility in Windows Vista and later
versions, or you may get an error stating the utility could not find a
USB drive attached.tte created to recover the forgotten password.
Offline NT Password & Registry Editor
The Offline NT password & Registry Editor is a great utility that
enables users to overwrite their Windows SAM file, the file containing
their passwords, with a new password. Unfortunately, you cannot see the
previous password, but you c
Emergency Boot CD
The EBCD (Emergency Boot CD) has many useful features. One of the most
important is the ability to change the password of any user without
needing to know the previous password including the administrator
an gain access to unencrypted files again.
Other utilities
There are numerous other free and commercial utilities available for
bypassing or changing an unknown password in Microsoft Windows. The
above two utilities are the more popular solutions and are highly
recommended. If these utilities do not suit your needs, you may also
want to perform a quick search on your favorite search engine.
Data recovery
If you have tried the above suggestions and are unable to gain access to
the files you need to access, some data recovery companies may be able
to access your data.
Format and reinstall Windows on the computer
Finally, if after trying all of the above steps you are still unable to
access your computer the only alternative solution is to erase
everything on the computer and reinstall Windows.
Computer Passwords
passwords are used to help identify and distinguish users and their
access or capabilities on a computer or computer network. Passwords can
also help restrict and prevent users from accessing confidential data or
accessing programs they should not be viewing.
Password rules and suggestions
When creating a password, create the password using the below rules, making the password more secure.
- Do not use a password that you have used in the past.
- Try to change the password at least every 3-6 months.
- Create a password that is at least six characters long.
- Create a password with both digits and letters.
- Do not create a password with a family name or family pet.
- Do not create a password that is your phone number, house number, apt number, etc.
- Create a password that is not in a dictionary.
- Create passwords with spaces in them (if allowed).
Most commonly used passwords
Some examples of some of the most commonly used passwords are listed
below. If you're using any of these passwords, we highly recommend you
change it immediately.
- no password (pressing enter)
- admin
- password, password1, PASSWORD, or p@ssword
- 123, 1234, 12345, or 123456
- 111111 or 000000
- root
- god
- letmein
- love
- monkey
- pass
- sex
- secret
- money
- asdf
- qwerty
- passme
- welcome
Also, avoid commonly used names, such as charlie, thomas, or fluffy. Do
not use well-known names, like sports teams or players, or personal
information, such as phone numbers or social security numbers. Finally,
you should avoid simple modifications to these words, such as
Password rules
System administrators
If you run a network of computers or are in charge of computer security,
try using the below rules to help secure your network and computers.
- Require that passwords be changed every 3 months (90 days). Almost all network operating systems have features that prompt users to change their password once the specified time is up.
- Set a minimum password length. Most network operating systems support the ability to set a minimum password length.
- Setup password history, if available. If the network operating system supports password history, enable it to prevent the same or previous password from being used again.
- Enable account lockout threshold. This option disables an account after so many failed login attempts. Usually three failed attempts within a duration of 60 minutes is sufficient.
Below is a listing of good examples of passwords:
- IAmThe1
- 2Bornot2B!
- 1PaSsWoRd1
- My1PASSword
- Pa$$word
- (epoH)
As illustrated in the above examples, you can see passwords and famous
quotes with numbers, passwords with numbers or special characters, or
words backwards such as epoh = hope.
Determining and changing passwords
Determining the password type
Creating a computer password
Changing a computer password
Clearing and removing a computer password
Creating a computer password
Changing a computer password
Clearing and removing a computer password
Determining the password type
Before a password can be changed, cleared, or removed, you must determine the which type of password is being used.
- Does the password appear as the computer is booting? If yes, this is a BIOS or CMOS password. BIOS or CMOS passwords will not allow the computer to boot at all unless the password is known.
- Does the password appear after the computer is done booting and before the operating system runs? If yes, this is a network, Operating System, or third-party password.
- Windows users, does the password appear in Windows before the desktop? If yes, this is a Windows or Windows network password. If you can press the Escape key and get to Windows, you have a standard Windows password. However, if this does not bypass the password prompt, it is likely you have a Windows network password.
Creating a computer password
Creating a BIOS or CMOS password
The BIOS or CMOS password is one of the more secure methods of password
protecting a computer, as the computer will not be able to be used
unless the password is known. To create a BIOS or CMOS password, enter
your computer's CMOS setup and enter a system password.
To create a password in a third-party program
Several third-party programs are available to password protect your
computer. Once one of these programs has been installed, a user should
be prompted to enter and enable a password on the computer.
Changing a computer password
If you have not already done so, ensure that you have read determining
the password type before following the steps below on changing a
computer password.
To change a BIOS or CMOS password
For a BIOS or CMOS password to be changed or cleared, you must know the
password. If you have forgotten the BIOS or CMOS password, refer to
clearing or removing a computer password section.
If the password is known, to change the password requires that you enter
the CMOS Setup. In the CMOS setup, locate the password section and
enter, change or remove the password. If you do not want the computer to
have a password prompt, in CMOS, enter the original password and press
the Enter key for the new password.
To change an operating system or Network password
Windows 95 or 98 Standard password:
This information applies to Windows 95 or 98 users who are not connected
to a network, but have a password prompt when the computer boots. If
you are connected to a network, see the next section: Windows 95 and 98
Network password.
Click Start, Run, and type command.
Once at the command prompt, type:
Once at the command prompt, type:
After dir *.pwl is typed, a listing of accounts used to log onto the computer should be listed. Locate the pwl you want to change and type:
*Replace name with the name of the pwl you want to rename.
Once completed, reboot the computer. The next time the computer boots,
enter a new password and then Windows will prompt you to confirm the new
If your computer logs onto a Computer Network and you are running
Windows 95 or 98, changing the password may vary depending upon the
If the network is a Windows NT network, the password can be changed if
expired. Click Start, Settings, Control Panel, and double-click
If this option is not available or does not allow you to change the
password, you need to contact the Network administrator for additional
help on changing the password.
Windows NT, 2000 Standard, Network password:
To change your Windows NT, 2000, or XP password, press CTRL + ALT + DEL
to open the Windows security window. In this window, there is a button
to change the password. Typing in your old password along with the new
password allows you to change the password.
If this option is not available or does not allow you to change the
password, you need to contact the Network administrator for additional
help on changing the password.
Unix Users and Majority of Unix variants:
Once logged into Unix and at the shell, type:
If available, you are prompted to enter the current password, prompted
to enter the new password, and then prompted to confirm the password
just entered.
To change a third-party password protection program password.
Because of how many programs are capable of password protecting a
computer, we suggest contacting the developer for support with any
third-party password protection program.
Clearing or removing a computer password
If you have not already, ensure that you have read determining the
password typebefore following the steps below on clearing or removing
the correct password.
Clearing or removing a BIOS or CMOS password
If you know the current BIOS or CMOS password and want to remove that
password, enter the computer CMOS Setup and enter a new password. The
prompt should ask you for the current password and then to enter a new
password. For the new password, press the Enter key on the keyboard.
Clearing or removing a network password
Because networks require an identification to allow or prevent access to
files and programs, a network password can only be changed and not
cleared or removed.
To change a third-party password protection program password
Because of how many programs are capable of password protecting a
computer, we suggest contacting the developer for support with any
third-party password protection program. If you are unaware of what
program is being used to protect the data on the computer, it is
recommended that the hard drive be erased and then the operating system
be reinstalled.
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